Hear ye all viewers of Poonian Productions, this forum is open to anybody that will follow our main rules:
1) Don't spam, harass, or offend other viewers.
2) Don't paste any 18+(objectionable material) pictures. However mild revealing pictures may be allowed, but contact the admin before doing so. Anyone that does not follow this big rule will be banned from this site. You have been warned.
3) Be considerate and polite as you would naturally.
4) Don't swear on this forum at all. We sometimes get younger viewers, so please don't make rude remarks.
5) And last, but not least, we don't tolerate any racial remarks, stereotyping, and discrimination. Everyone on this forum is an equal human being. If you want to say some of that stuff, it is advised to happen in the free talk section.
As a reminder, anybody that doesn't follow these main rules will be banned and forbidden from ever coming to this forum. We would like to have a nice community of people that obey the rules. In time more rules will be added, so don't do anything silly.
New rule: Please do not open up old threads. If it's two weeks old, then it's okay, but one's that have been there since the forum began, just leave those alone. Thank you.
Rpg Rules
Don't reply in the character creation topic unless you are a moderator.
Dont reply to other peoples journeys unless you are a moderator.
Be kind and considerant and please respect all members and dont argue with the mods or me.
Read the rules of the rpg before making a character.
Dont spam in any other area except spam topic.
And last but not least
And enjoy! ^.^